2410 Victoria Street, St Gabriel, LA 70776 | Phone: 1-225-255-3860
Random Fact
My name is Veda. I am known as The Cat Writer.

I love cats. And so should you! I also love to write. You don't have to do that, though - you
can hire me :)
If you have visited this site
before, you already know
that I use content editing
tools to maximize the
quality of my articles.

But don't let that get in the
way! Any serious writer does

To my knowledge, the best
industry tools are
Grammarly (for grammar
checks, of course) and
Hemingway (to make your
sentences shorter and

It's what I use and I simply
couldn't live without them!

From the blog

Beginner's Guide to Home Networks

Have you ever heard about 802.11ac? What about CAT5 vs CAT5e? Or U.FL to RP-SMA? That's
some scary stuff, I know.

I was scared by these terms as well. I used to be. But these days I run my home network like
an overlord.

And so will you, by the end of this article. Let's get started!
Read the blog